Grace & Glory Ministries

Feeding Our Community
Food donation programs
Donations from our generous congregation for the local Food Bank and the Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, along with fresh produce from our Community Garden help feed those in need in our area.
In 2017, our first Feeding Fluvanna Community Day event, along with other local churches and community members, we raised over $4,000 and over a ton of food.
Women at Grace and Glory
The Women at Grace and Glory (WAGG) is an active unit of the Women of the ELCA and participates in the Virginia Synodical Women's Organization. We meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. September though June at the church. We use the bible study found in each monthly issue of Gather, the magazine published by Women of the ELCA. Click here to order the Gather magazine. We collect an offering at each of our meetings that is sent to the VA Synod in support of the Women of the ELCA.

Music at Grace & Glory
Grace & Glory Choir and Bell Choir
The Grace & Glory Choir and Grace & Glory Ringers (our hand-bell choir) bring beautiful music to enhance each worship service. The most important function of our signing choir is to lead worship. The anthems are chosen to fit the readings of the day or the season whenever possible.